Song "You Are Broken"

 Sitting Alone

Trying To Hide

Remembering Your Pain

And All Those Hurtful nights

The Way You have hold On

The Way You Believed

It all Seems Going Down

And You Are Loosing Your Everything

You Have Tried

Tried So Hard

But Still Can’t Find

Any Light Through It

Because You Are Broken

Broken From Inside

And Showing The World

That You Still Can Fight

Now, Your Eyes Are Getting Tired

of Staring The Walls

All Alone

yeah, All Alone

In This Lonesome House

You Want To End It All

You Want To Leave The Pain

And Free Yourself

From This Unwanted, Insecure, Troublesome


Because You Are Broken

Broken From Inside

And Showing The World

That You Still Can Fight

This Hurt

This Pain

Making You Feel There Is No More Life

Those Cuts

Those Scars

oh, You Will Make It All Over

And Will Never Have To Hide

You Are Broken, Broken From Inside

But There’s Something In You, Which Is Making You Survive

You Are Broken, Broken From Inside

And This World Can’t Beat You, You Gotta Know It Right

This World Can’t Beat You

oh, This World Can’t Beat You

You Have Survived

Written By Shubhanshu Tiwari