How to Believe in yourself when no one else does

Believe In Yourself
Another helpful article to show you how to believe in yourself when no one else does.

Believing in yourself  is one of the hardest thing to do for you  but still that will be the best part of your life when you will  start believing in yourself. Many times life has let you down,  it pushes you to the limits and you feels like you cant stand back , you  just cant hold on anymore on your own but this is the time when you need to believe in yourself and trust yourself the most and you also need to say to yourself with a strong believe that you can stand again and fight back because this life cannot beat you anymore and you will fight on your own.

When we get failed in our life and it is like a chain form of failure one after another at that time we lose all hope in ourselves and we start thinking that we are born to fail and suffer but that is not true because you also have a right to win no matter how many times you failed and will fail, every time you fall just believe in yourself and stand up so strongly that nothing can put you down again not even your own negativity which tries to let you down whenever you want to fight back.

You gotta believe in yourself because in your life when no one else does because there is one person you need the most and that is you, yes you need yourself, just say to yourself "Its my life and I have to fight for it because nothing is stronger than me  not a single problem of mine".

Always remember if you will try to find yourself in your past then you will be no where in your future but if you will try to create yourself in your present then you will be the writer of your life ahead.

You have you and that is so true that nothing can separate you from yourself. If you start believing in yourself then trust me nothing can put you down not your low self-esteem,low self-confidence,past failures,troubles you have and had, hard times of  life when you cant find a single way, your feelings, your regrets , nothing 

Just nothing can put you down if you trust yourself with a strong believe that I can fight not because I have to or I need to but because some part of me still want to fight and I can fight.
Only you can do the best for yourself , you are the owner of your life and no one has the right to destroy it but you always have a chance to create it no matter how long you went wrong you can still change it and live it in the way you want it.

I know you feel like it’s impossible but every miracle seems impossible till it happens and you can be your own miracle if you just leave the past behind because it doesn't exists anymore and forget what you could so that you can focus on what you can.

Just stop being the prisoner of your sad life and start behaving like the owner of your life and take the responsibility to change it and fight for it. I know its not so easy may be the hardest of all but always remember its your life and you have to take the responsibility to fight for it no matter how hard it gets.

Its your life and you have all the rights to make it,live it, and enjoy it in the way you want to.
Say to yourself – “it’s my life and if I’m using my that means it’s totally mine and from now I will try my best to live it in the way I want to and I promise myself that I will never let anyone or anything put me down again I will never let that shit happen again.

Sometimes you have to put your feelings aside and focus on the things waiting for you in your life ahead and at the same time you gotta believe in yourself when no one else does you need to have have faith in yourself when no one else does because this is how the situation will get better and better because nothing lasts forever so how this pain will !!

Its your life and its your choice trust me you still can create it.

If you are worried about something bad will happen again and again and if you will keep worrying instead of working for it then it can happen again but if you will try a bit to make it better then it will never happen  because this time you have tried to beat it and nothing is stronger than you and they way you try.

You need yourself to fight for your life and for that you need to believe in yourself in this battle of your life. You are more than what you think about yourself or what you have ever thought, so just believe in yourself and let this storm pass , you will see the sunlight soon.

You don’t know your worth and how great  you are until you try to enter from an ordinary world of yours to the world full of possibilities where your dreams, all your possibilities and all those things exists that you ever wanted to do and still willing to do.
Trust me some part of yours is still willing to fight and get back into this life.

Many times in your life you feel like you are at the edge of falling and you just stop believing in yourself but actually you are the verge of winning but you cannot see it because you are feeling so hopeless but you do not need to feel that way because you can fight for your life and you will get it back.

                                                                                written by shubhanshu tiwari