Soul, Heart, And Mind Quotes

Picture 1
Quote 1 "Put Your Ear Down Close To Your Soul And Listen Hard"

Picture 2
Quote 2 "Beauty isn't about having a pretty face.It's about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and a pretty soul"
Picture 3 
Quote 3 "Once you have come to know how great you are,
The your heart, mind, and soul will not let you give up" - shubhanshu Tiwari
Picture 4 
Quote 4 "I Drink to keep body and soul apart"
Picture 5
Quote 5 "A house that has a library in it has a soul" 
Picture 6 
Quote 6 "A room without books is like a body without soul"
Picture 7
Quote 7 "you ain't got no soul, You ain't got no soul power"